Index of Urdu Journals, International Islamic University - Islamabad

Week 6: Milestone Achieved: 200 Research Journals Approved!

We are thrilled to announce a major milestone—we have successfully approved 200 research journals! This achievement highlights our editorial board’s dedication, efficiency, and passion for accelerating academic research.

Our team remains highly motivated to maintain this momentum, ensuring that every research submission undergoes a thorough yet swift review process. We continue to uphold our commitment to excellence and efficiency, providing researchers with a seamless publication experience.

This Week’s Approved Research Journals

  2. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease
  3. Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery
  4. Journal of Bacha Khan Medical College (JBKMC)
  5. Swat University Journal of Religious and Islamic Studies
  6. Acta Islamica
  7. Pakhtunkhwa Journal of Life Science
  8. The Discourse
  9. Journal of Business & Tourism (JBT)
  10. Pukhtunkhwa Journal
  11. Journal of Applied Economics and Business Studies
  12. Abbottabad University Journal of Business and Management Sciences
  13. Abasyn Journal of Life Sciences
  14. Abasyn University Journal of Social Sciences
  15. Advances in Basic Medical Sciences
  16. Khyber Medical University Journal
  17. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
  18. Hazara Islamicus
  19. IDRAK
  20. City University International Journal of Computational Analysis
  21. City University Research Journal of Literature and Linguistics
  22. City University Research Journal
  23. Sarhad Journal of Management Sciences (SJMS)
  24. Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies
  25. Haripur Journal of Educational Research (HJER)
  26. University of Swabi Journal
  27. Journal Fahm-i-Islam (JFII)
  28. Kardan Journal of Engineering and Technology (KJET)
  29. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (MURJET)
  30. University of Chitral Journal of Linguistics and Literature (JLL)
  31. National Journal of Biological Sciences (NJBS)
  32. International Journal of Psychological and Behavioural Research (IJPBR)
  33. International Journal of Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies (IJLLTS)
  34. Pakistan Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Research
  35. Journal of Management (UOHJM)

Looking Ahead

Reaching this milestone is just the beginning! We remain committed to supporting researchers by ensuring a fast, transparent, and high-quality review process. If you have a journal ready for submission, we encourage you to be part of this thriving academic community.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of research and innovation!


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Dr. Humaira Ishfaq



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